Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety Can Slowly Rob You Of Your Peace Of Mind

When you’re dealing with chronic stress and overwhelming emotions, it can make you wonder if you will ever truly feel safe and okay in this world. You’re probably on edge all the time, unable to control your thoughts or silence the negative internal dialogue in your head.

The sense that you can never catch up with life, tasks, work, and relationships makes you feel as if you’re not “doing enough” or doing it “well enough.”

Ironically, all that pressure makes it even harder to follow through on things, which just fuels more stress, self-blame, and guilt.

People Seek Anxiety Therapy For A Multitude Of Reasons

For instance, you may worry all the time, waiting for the worst scenario to play out, so you can never really relax or be spontaneous. The constant second-guessing and indecision leave you feeling stuck, unable to create change. Fears of things out of your control threaten your sense of safety and general peace of mind.

And the overwhelming stress makes you irritable and snippy, so you either lash out at others or withdraw to safety. At the end of the day, even though you’re exhausted from battling negative thoughts and trying to function like everyone else, you lay in bed but can’t fall asleep.

The truth is: anxiety is a devil of a thing that interrupts your life on every level, but there is a way to feel better. With the support of our compassionate therapists at LaunchPad Counseling, you can heal the wounds at the core of your anxiety and cultivate a calm, enduring sense of certainty that all things will be okay in the end.

Have any questions? Send us a message!

Anxiety can make you feel alone in a seemingly foreign world, but millions of people are struggling just like you. It’s estimated that over 40 million adults experience some form of anxiety disorder within any given year, with only a fraction of that number ever receiving treatment.*

So why is anxiety so prevalent? Part of the reason is that many of us are so worried and overwhelmed by life that our negative internal dialogue often takes over. We constantly see images of other people succeeding (on social media) and compare those perfectly crafted snapshots to assessments of ourselves.

Past experiences of rejection cause false self-narratives that make us conclude that we should work harder, try harder, and just be better. Similarly, there is tremendous pressure to be successful in our careers, relationships, friendships, health, and parenting abilities. Then there’s that constant feeling that we’re “missing our chance” or we’re falling behind.

All of that stress can create so much anxiety that it becomes paralyzing, thus perpetuating a self-fulfilling prophecy of inadequacy.

That’s why we’re here—to help you get unstuck and discover a new way of looking at yourself and the world. You can learn how to slow down, silence that internal dialogue, and write a new narrative for yourself.

Millions Of Individuals Struggle With Anxiety In Silence

Anxiety Therapy Offers You A Space For Transformation And Healing

Although friends and family will frequently offer advice and soothing words, real change typically requires a deeper shift in perspective that only an anxiety counselor can provide. As anxiety disorder specialists, we ask specific questions that are less about temporarily assuaging your pain and more about moving you forward in your long-term healing process and out of the negative thought spiral.

We want to help you look at your anxiety, be curious about it, and understand it for what it is. By being vulnerable and really opening up, you can gain greater awareness of your mental processes and create lasting change, including taking the reins of your anxiety and getting it under control.

What Can You Expect From Our Anxiety Therapy Sessions?

A big part of working with a therapist involves identifying the roots of your internal dialogues—the messaging for your anxiety. We also want to ask, What is missing from your life? What do you ultimately want your future to look like? What steps can you take toward a more complete life that’s defined by you—independent of the standards set by society or anyone else?

And although it can often be helpful to address core issues in therapy, it’s not always necessary or even effective for certain anxiety disorders. Practicing mindfulness, learning about the physiological etiology (cause) of anxiety, and getting clarity on what really brings value to your life can all be tremendously helpful in diminishing anxiety as well.

What Are Some Of The Tools We Use In Anxiety Counseling?

Because we’re tackling anxiety on multiple levels, our therapists draw from a range of holistic and evidence-based treatment models:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT for anxiety) builds skills for changing anxious thoughts, feelings, and related beliefs and behaviors.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) focuses on the importance of your values versus the value of your thoughts and feelings. 

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT for anxiety) provides you with highly structured skills for building a life of meaning.

  • Breathwork and Mindfulness for Anxiety use simple, personalized exercises that enable you to calm your nervous system in a way that actually works for you

From our work together, you’ll better understand how anxiety affects you and what you can do to objectively analyze a situation without becoming overwhelmed. You’ll learn how to "talk back" to your anxiety in a way that will make a difference. And we’ll even help you shed unrealistic expectations for yourself so you can decide what really makes you happy.

The silver lining with anxiety is that it responds very well to treatment—and often in a relatively short amount of time. So, if you are ready and committed to change, we want to help you enjoy a greater sense of safety, peace, and calm in all aspects of your life.

Many people living with anxiety have no one to talk to about their emotions. However, therapy gives you a place where you can describe your thoughts and express exactly how you feel. You have a chance to explore your worries, stressors, and even negative views of yourself because your therapist is there to listen without judgment.

Still Have Questions About Anxiety Therapy With LaunchPad Counseling?

  • A unique aspect of our practice is that, after your initial intake session, if you don’t feel like you and your anxiety counselor mesh well, we’ll offer you another intake with a different therapist free of charge. If it turns out you would rather work with another practice, we can refund you for the initial session and refer you to someone outside of our office.

    Our goal is to get you started on your healing journey regardless of who walks alongside you.

  • ● Moving your body is extremely effective. Whether it involves dancing, hiking, short walks, or long runs—even on the mildest level—exercise has been proven to reduce anxiety.

    ● Have a regular sleep schedule/bedtime and limit social media use, taking into account how you feel before and after spending time online.

    ● Avoid caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol (it just makes anxiety worse in the long run).

    ● Practice taking life one step at a time—because there’s no rush.

  • No therapist should ever judge a person for their anxiety or any other mental health challenge. After all, we all experience anxiety to some degree, and it’s a common disorder for millions of people. So, it’s nothing to be ashamed of and certainly nothing to be judged for. Healthy personal growth happens in relationships that are safe, caring, and non-judgmental.

    At LaunchPad Counseling, we welcome and affirm who you genuinely are, including your values, spirituality, racial and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Rest assured, we’re here as your allies in your search for a greater sense of peace—and helping you discover that is all we care about.

Let Us Help You Find Your Way Toward Peace

If chronic stress, anxiety, and self-doubt are preventing you from living the life you were meant to, LaunchPad Counseling would like to help. Please call (804) 665-4681, Email , or Contact Us to set up your initial intake session to see how our online and in-person anxiety therapy services may be able to help you heal and transform your life for the better. 


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