Philip Mitchel is a therapist in Richmond VA

Philip’s pronouns are He/him

Philip helps teens, families, and adults overcome trauma, manage challenging experiences, and find positive ways to deal with a wide range of emotions.

Philip is a Licensed Professional Counselor with experience in working with older adolescents, college students and adults. Spurred by a desire to help people overcome personal struggles and find healthy life solutions, he obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA.

Philip has worked in a wide variety of clinical environments including outpatient offices and in-home settings. He has extensive experience working with teens who struggle with their emotions and families confronting difficult changes. He specializes in helping adult survivors of traumatic experiences. Many of his clients also seek him when they are overwhelmed with troubling and unwanted behaviors, feelings of depression, or difficulties with worry and anxiety.

During therapy sessions, Philip offers people a safe, welcoming space to discuss painful issues, practice healthy habits, and develop ways to overcome problems. When working with teens or families, he will sometimes incorporate art, humor, and easy role-play scenarios into therapy sessions.

Whether he’s offering 1-on-1 support with a client, leading a group, or meeting with a family, Philip has always believed in “listening first” and helping people maximize the skills they already have (but may not be aware of) in order to adopt a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.


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