LGBTQ+ Therapy near me:
Counseling that is affirming of who you really are, and understanding of your personal reality.
LaunchPad Counseling is an LGBTQ-friendly and affirming therapy practice. We understand that life is full of challenges, but those challenges can have added complexity if you are LGBTQ+. At LaunchPad Counseling, we help you navigate your own unique experience with empathy and understanding.
How We Help
You may find yourself feeling unfulfilled, lacking purpose and maybe a little lost. You may experience stress around coming out, self-acceptance, or relationship issues. As you become more comfortable with who you are, other issues may arise. LGBTQ-affirming therapy helps you move past what is keeping you stuck and toward emotional balance and a renewed sense of joy.
In addition to the general benefits of couples therapy, when one or more partners are LGBTQ, the experience can have different layers. Some dynamics that occur in straight couples don’t play out the same for LGBTQ folks. Experiences around gender and social norms can show up differently. At LaunchPad Counseling we help you identify what will improve your relationship, whether it’s traditional or non-traditional, monogamous or polyamorous. You define your own relationship goals. We work with you on how to reach them.
Parenting might look the same whether you are lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, or straight! It isn’t easy for anyone. Still, as an LGBTQ parent, you may have some additional societal barriers or challenges. At LaunchPad, you won’t have to worry about your child’s therapist’s judgment. We join you in figuring out what works for your family, taking into account your personal situation and affirming the specific strengths of your particular family’s structure.
Life transitions can change the family landscape. Each member of your family may be in a different place regarding your coming out. LGBTQ informed therapy can help you and your family learn to manage the impact these changes may have on attitudes and relationships.
Children and adults whose gender identity doesn’t match their assigned gender face countless societal challenges. Counseling allows you to process feelings that stem from difficult experiences and complicated relationships. Through LGBTQ-affirmative therapy, trans individuals discover self-acceptance and create supportive relationships with others. Short term/brief counseling and a recommendation letter is often required by physicians before hormone treatments (HRT) or surgeries. At LaunchPad Counseling, we are honored to partner with you in reaching your goals on this journey.
Children and teens see the world through different eyes than adults. This can be even more challenging for LGBTQ kids. Often parents and children feel disconnected around issues of sexual orientation, sexual identity or gender because their child’s experiences are so different from their own. Sometimes issues aren’t related to sexuality or gender at all, but they still disrupt your relationship. Relating to your LGBTQ or nonbinary child is an important aspect of parenting that we can help you work through.

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