Maintaining Sobriety While Navigating Pride in Recovery

June is here and we are celebrating Pride!

Pride can be a great way to commune with others, feel safe, and work towards furthering equity within the LGBTQ+ community. Many times, celebrations are at bars or other community areas where alcohol is typically served, which can be challenging for queers in recovery from substance use and alcoholism.


You can celebrate pride in recovery and maintain your sobriety:

1. Go with a sober friend

Most recovery support groups, whether it’s 12 step recovery, SMART Recovery, or Refuge Recovery, suggest that folks take along someone who is supportive of their sobriety. Ask friends from your circle who are also in recovery to attend Pride events with you in a small group. Stick with your small pack when having fun getting to know others and make sure to tell your friends if you become uncomfortable.

2. Make an accountability plan

Let your friends or family know that you are attending an event where alcohol will be present. Plan a telephone call with them when you get home. You can talk about your great experiences, but knowing you have a telephone call and/or commitment can help you be accountable to your sobriety.

3. Get centered first

If you have a connection with spirituality, practice your connection before you leave. Whether it’s meditation, prayer, or other forms of conscious contact, make that connection and set an intention for yourself and your sobriety. Anxiety can increase for sober folks when active drinking occurs around them. Ensuring that you feel centered and have clear intentions can help lower anxiety and increase the ability to stay firm in your recovery.

4. Bring fun non-alcoholic beverages

Bring your favorite non-alcoholic drinks. Pack a cooler with whatever fun drinks you enjoy. Try to make your drink packs fun and add variety! Focusing on what you enjoy can help you get excited about going to celebrations sober. This can also be really helpful if you go to an event with only few non-alcoholic options.

5. Throw your own sober-friendly get together!

If you feel uncomfortable attending a Pride event that will have alcohol, throw your own celebration! Invite recovery friends or friends who would respect your sober party. You deserve to have a safe and fun Pride and it’s OK if you aren’t comfortable around booze.

Your safety and recovery are most important at any event, including Pride. There are LGBTQ+ 12 step meetings in Richmond, VA (and online meetings all over Virginia) every day of the week. If you need, plan to increase your meeting attendance for extra support. There are also sober Pride events, such as RVA Recovery Pridefest on June 18th by the McShin Foundation.


Enjoy Pride.

Stay safe and committed to your recovery.

Ask for help when you need it and remember, you are never alone!


You can talk to a therapist about maintaining your sobriety or improving your mental health while living in recovery. We offer In-Person appointments in Richmond, and Telehealth Therapy across Virginia.


Still have questions? Reach out today:

Jen Zegan-Lister, Resident in Counseling

Jen Zegan-Lister is a Resident in Counseling who practices in Richmond, VA. Jen worked at LauchPad Counseling, providing therapy focused LGBTQ+ identifying clients, and clients who experienced trauma in their past.


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