Help I Don’t Like My Child: Launchpad Counseling featured on Daily Parent

This post, by Andrea Williams, describes what happens and what to do when parents lose connection with their children. Mark Loewen, LPC, contributed to the article with advice on how to reconnect when previous efforts have failed.

Once you’ve done the work to address your own issues and contribution to the problem, the next—and final—step on the road to love and healing for you and your child is to spend some quality time reconnecting.

“The love connection between
 people changes as relationships mature,” says Mark Loewen, a parent coach in Richmond, Virginia. “A parent connects differently with 
a baby than with a small child or a teenager. Parents can reconnect with 
their child by taking a step back and thinking about how their child would
 like to connect with them. By providing a point of connection that
 resonates with the child, it is more likely that the child will exhibit a
 more pleasant response. Take it slow, and find short and frequent moments
of connecting throughout the week.”

Loewen suggests finding fun and relaxing activitues to do as a family, as well as taking time to really listen to your child talk about her interests or experiences. Finally, he says, go easy on yourself.

“Parenting is a very hard job. No 
family is happily ever after, but with targeted efforts at having more
 positive experiences, relationships can become more enjoyable.”


Our therapists at LaunchPad Counseling help children and teens to improve relationships with their parents. Contact us to learn more about child counseling.

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